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Treaty Violations


The history of treaty-making and treaty violations between the United States government and tribal nations is a stark example of the pattern of broken trust that has characterized their relationship. While treaties were originally intended to establish peace, secure land rights, and ensure access to resources, the government's repeated failure to honor and enforce these agreements has had profound consequences for tribal nations.


Broken treaties and unfulfilled promises


Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the United States government entered into numerous treaties with tribal nations, often as a means of acquiring land and resources for expanding Euro-American settlements. These treaties typically included promises of protection, compensation, and the provision of essential services such as healthcare and education. However, the government frequently failed to uphold its treaty obligations, either by neglecting to implement the agreed-upon provisions or by actively undermining them through subsequent legislation and policies.

One striking example of broken treaty promises is the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, which established the Great Sioux Reservation and guaranteed the Lakota people exclusive use of the Black Hills, a region sacred to their spiritual beliefs. However, when gold was discovered in the Black Hills in the 1870s, the government violated the treaty by allowing white settlers to enter and exploit the area. In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Sioux Nation, acknowledging that the Black Hills had been taken illegally and awarding compensation. To this day, however, the Lakota people have refused the monetary settlement, insisting on the return of their sacred land instead.


Loss of land and resources


The government's failure to uphold treaty obligations has had far-reaching consequences for tribal nations, resulting in significant losses of land, resources, and autonomy. As treaties were violated or ignored, tribal nations were often forced to cede additional territory, sometimes under coercive circumstances or through fraudulent means. These land losses disrupted traditional ways of life, diminished access to vital resources such as water and timber, and weakened tribal sovereignty.

Moreover, the government's mismanagement of trust resources has had a long-lasting impact on tribal nations. In the case of the Cobell v. Salazar lawsuit, it was revealed that the government had failed to properly account for and distribute funds owed to individual Native Americans for the use of their lands by non-Natives for purposes such as grazing, mining, and timber harvesting. The case, which was settled in 2009, further highlighted the government's failure to fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities towards tribal nations.


Inadequate compensation for broken treaties


While the government has occasionally acknowledged its treaty violations and attempted to provide compensation, these efforts have often been inadequate and insufficient to address the full scope of damages suffered by tribal nations. Monetary settlements, while potentially providing some relief, cannot replace the loss of land, resources, and cultural heritage that has resulted from the government's broken promises.

Furthermore, the process of seeking compensation and redress for treaty violations is often lengthy, expensive, and fraught with legal obstacles. As a result, many tribal nations have been unable to fully pursue their claims, leaving them without recourse for the injustices they have suffered.


In conclusion, the history of treaty violations between the United States government and tribal nations is a testament to the broken trust that has characterized their relationship. The government's repeated failure to honor and enforce treaty obligations has resulted in profound losses for tribal nations, undermining their sovereignty, culture, and access to vital resources. While some efforts have been made to compensate for these injustices, they are often inadequate and do not fully address the ongoing challenges faced by tribal communities. In order to begin rebuilding trust between tribal nations and the government, it is essential to acknowledge and redress the legacy of broken treaties and unfulfilled promises that has shaped the lives of indigenous people in the United States. Moving forward, it is crucial for the government to fully recognize and respect the sovereignty, rights, and cultural heritage of tribal nations, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed in a just and equitable manner. By fostering a more transparent, accountable, and respectful relationship, we can work towards healing the wounds of the past and building a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

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